Words Matter
I get excited about words. And I love it when other people have that "just right" way of saying things. I think kids can learn to love words when parents play around with new or unusual vocabulary. I do that a lot.
I also have a subscription to A.Word.A.Day, described as "a community of more than one million linguaphiles in more than 200 countries." It's a free subscription where you receive a new word every day in an email with its definition, etymology, usage etc. The "words of the week" have a theme, sometimes esoteric but always interesting.
When I was getting my M.Ed (Masters in Education) "being part of a community of learners" was the buzz for graduate students. As a parent, I welcome community-based sites that offer painless education. And as I've learned since writing Feeding Eden, words can make a difference and make change in our world. Remember parents - all books begin with just one word.