“She Gets It” – A Review of Feeding Eden
When life gets hard I want to be gotten. I want to be understood and seen with clarity by the people I share my life with. Most of us do. This weekend, in a book review posted by The Food Allergy Mom, this weekend, she paid me a high compliment. She felt that my story, my writing conveyed --
"There were moments where it was if Weissman’s own fears and feelings were so reminiscent of my own, it was as if she had a window into my soul. She’s walked miles in the shoes of mothers of children with food allergies and asthma everywhere…she gets it."
She also points out that while I do "walk miles" in the shoes of my fellow allergy moms nevertheless "Weissman actually recognizes that point of view in her book and ultimately encourages moms to do what is best for their personal situation. I applaud her for not caving to the one-size-fits-all recommendations made in some food allergy literature."
I'm grateful that this mother and reviewer recognized my efforts to model an open and accepting attitude regarding food allergy parenting and lifestyle choice. Being a parent is one of life's most intimate experiences. It is all the more so when dealing with a child with a chronic health condition. I can't assume that my individual wisdom would extend past my own family.
You can read the full review HERE.