author of Feeding Eden

Pub Day! (But what does it mean?)

From what I can tell first time authors learn this term "Pub Day" way before they need to. If you've never published a book and had not aspired to, than Pub Day is a rather abstract concept.  Your agent tells you a date that barely registers because you are so worked up about all that will happen between Now and Then (edits, final edits, design, promotions etc. ) and time  becomes elasticized -- stretching endlessly as friends and family inquire "What's happening with your book? Isn't it done yet?" and snapping back just when you'd like more time to review your endnotes or revise that article you just wrote.

My Pub Day has arrived. And I've heard many predictions as to how I will feel today. From the sage warning: "Nothing will happen except you are going to keep selling your book." To the effusive: "It's like giving birth isn't it? So exciting!"

Well I've given birth twice now and I'm sure that publishing a book is not an apt simile. For one, birth is a surprise and I'd be a pretty shoddy writer if I was for some reason "surprised" by something in my book. Also, I didn't much care what anyone else thought of my newborns and nobody  (including myself) wrote blog posts, essays and reviews about them. (Thank g-d)

So for me, Pub Day is the day I direct readers to the wonderful piece titled The Network by my husband about our experience. And it is the day I suggest my readers check out my interview on Skirt! and my piece titled Feed My Child at Your Own Risk on Psych Today and my BOOK TRAILER. Oh. And Pub Day is also the day I kept my son home because he was sick with the flu, my daughter returned home from school with a fever, I ran two loads of laundry before noon, we ran out of jelly for toast and I was reminded (as if I needed to be) that no matter what day it is -- I'm a mother who writes, in that order, everyday.

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