FABCon Part II: We Want You!
One reason I love teaching the middle school age range is that early teens are generally too young to feel apathetic about their learning, yet they are old enough to have very interesting things to say. I've always held to a teaching creed that goes something like this: "I may be the person standing in the front but that doesn't mean that I am, at every moment, the smartest person in the room." I feel it's crucial for "experts" to remain open to the potential for expertise around them.
I've had the privilege of learning so much from my students. They have shared things like . . . biographical tidbits about my favorite Y/A authors, tragic and wonderful aspects of their lives in other countries, and up to the second pop-culture-isms and slang.
Similarly, whenever I've been invited to hold a reading of Feeding Eden or, to host a discussion surrounding food allergies, there are moments when the attendees in the room bring a particular view or experience that adds to everyone's understanding of their own life with food allergies.
So whether or not you blog, or advocate, or bake or advise under the global-sized umbrella of Food Allergies, you are needed at the FABCon / Conference. Our community thrives on our diversity. Among the panels will be:
HONE$T PAY~ Monetizing a blog: How to make money with your blog-and feel good about it.
The Art of Recipe Development: Join our successful cookbook authors as they share their tips for creating a recipe, for your blog or your cookbook!
SELF-PUBLISHING: Whether you are writing a memoir, a cookbook, or a children's book; How do you get self-published? and Why you should! How to get your work onto the page and into the hands of readers!
Nitty Gritty- Make it Pretty: Blogging tips and tricks to personalize your blog, simple coding tricks to add personal touches and make it shine! Information for novice and amateurs! Whether you use Blogger or WordPress!
Reading Labels and Avoiding Contamination: What the labels, mean, what to look out for, and understanding manufacturing practices.
After the Diagnosis: ages/stages & social aspects. What do you need to be doing after the diagnosis? What is the follow up? What are other concerns as your child ages?
Facing Adversity with a Smile: When life gives you lemons~ You start a blog, start a business, write a book ~How to see the many blessings in the burden.
EDUCATION: Learning the school's responsibility and the student's rights. What you need to know and do-to ensure safety and inclusion, forming a successful relationship with your child's school.
504 PLANS: What are they, How do you get one, How do you make sure yours covers everything- and What happens when it is not followed?
ALLERGY TESTING: Experts share their knowledge and advice about what you need to know when it comes to getting allergy tests done, and how to make sense of it!
ANAPHYLAXIS: Experts share their knowledge about managing anaphylaxis.
GETTING HEARD (How to be an effective advocate): by media, by other bloggers, by publishers, etc. We must navigate advocating for our children's health with family members, schools, medical professionals. How do we get our messages out, in a positive way, so people listen- gaining allies not alienating them.
Moreover from July 1, 2013-July 31, 2013 tickets are $200, from August 1, 2013-August 31, 2013 tickets are $225. From September 1, 2013 onward, a ticket will be $250. for the event! PURCHASE HERE.