author of Feeding Eden

Feeding Eden and Eleni’s Giveaway!

Eleni's has teamed up with renowned allergy and parenting writer Susan Weissman to offer an exclusive contest for our Facebook fans! Snap a pic of your child enjoying any Eleni's product, post it to our Facebook wall, and enter to win a 100% nut-free "Color Your Own" gift box AND a copy of Weissman's new book, Feeding Eden!

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Here's how to enter:

  1. Like Eleni’s on Facebook
  2. Post a photo of your child enjoying any of Eleni's nut-free cookies or cupcakes on our Facebook fan page
  3. Receive $5 off your next order on

If your photo is one of the top 3 staff favorites, you will receive a hardcover copy of Feeding Eden and a 16-cookie "Color Your Own" safari party gift box!


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