All in the Family: Gluten-Intolerant Cousin Visits Food Allergic Cousin
Ours is a slightly more complex tale than City Mouse and Country Mouse. Our adored cousins from rural New Hampshire are coming for a rare visit. And one of them cannot tolerate any gluten. Corn and corn syrup included. Though Eden is allergic to tree nuts, peanuts, soy, eggs, dairy, sesame, round legumes and salmon -- grains are "no worries." Wheat, corn, oats, rice, barley, Eden eats them all. In fact, cheese-less pizza, fresh baguettes, wheat-based pasta and tortillas are among his favorite foods.
So as I anticipate the cousin slumber party in my home this week, I'm considering simple home dinner options after a long day of outdoor sightseeing activities. (Read: I'm too lazy to want to really cook.) We could pick up from Chipolte Mexican Grill, as long as our gluten-intolerant cousin doesn't mind using his own gluten/corn free tortilla or having his Mexican fare loose on plate instead of tucked into tortillas. Or I could cook up a huge batch of gluten and gluten-free pasta and make salad on the side. Or, since we live in New York City, it would not be unheard of to order from two or more pizza parlors if just one can't accommodate all our needs.
But I'm not worried. Whatever dinner plan we make will be secondary to the pleasure of seeing our "country cousins" and spending time with family.