author of Feeding Eden

Susan Weissman

What I Do Now:

Board Member, Food Allergy Fund, non-profit focused on underlying causes of food allergies.

Speaker, Guest Teacher, Research Advocate for the food allergy community.

Why I wrote a book: I was an English teacher long before I was a mother, but children changed my life in ways I hadn't foreseen. My son Eden was seriously allergic to seven of the "Big 8" food allergens. So I devoted myself to learning about this vexing modern epidemic. I began narrating my family's food allergy journey to support the food allergy community and to unpack the universal experiences of food and family: I began as a blogger and then I wrote my memoir, FEEDING EDEN: I continue to support the food allergy community by writing, speaking and teaching.

Read my writing on
The Huffington Post

Read my writing on
Psychology Today

Feeding Eden Trailer

Feeding Eden Book Trailer

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